Wednesday 16 October 2013

The Cold (sore) War.

Not a ridiculously interesting or poignant opening blog, but if you are like me, and had the misfortune of having a partner/parent/friend/random passerby on the street infect you with the dreaded Herpes Simplex Type 1 virus, the tiny little bastards leaping frivolously from one sucker's lip to another, you will know how deeply important this entry is. Why is it that the most uncomfortable and awkward infections are always the most contagious?

Anyway, even if you are one of the blessed ones who has never had the misfortune of being a cold sore sufferer, you are bound to meet someone who is, and if you impart this gem of wisdom onto them, they will no doubt love you forever and shower you in herpes-free kisses.

It really is so simple and so cheap. 

 I picked up a bottle of rubbing alcohol from the chemist, (approximately $9.00 for a 345mL bottle, grabbed my Ophelia cotton tips, then doused and dabbed and dried out that bad boy before he had a chance to surface. 

I have also been taking Lysine tablets, which I also picked up from the chemist, but I am sure could be purchased at any supermarket. $8.00 for a 50pack bottle of Nature's Own.

So far so good. This is day two after waking up yesterday morning the early signs of a blistering bastard preparing to take centre-stage on my face. Normally by this stage it would be a painful, inflammed, blistered entity living on my lip and feeding off my social life.

NB: Keep in mind, I started this somewhat high-inducing (dat rubbing alcohol) procedure the moment I felt that small, familiar bump on my lip. I'm sure it would work just as well once the cold sore has blistered, but my plan of attack was to destroy before it surfaced. 

We shall see!

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